Top Of The Week

What is Starbucks main cafe?

Starbucks only buys high quality Arabica coffee grown at high altitudes. Arabica accounts for about 60 percent of world...

What coffee to use for the espresso machine?

While you can use any type of roasting for your espresso machine, you will get the best results with a dark, espresso or...

Is espresso just finely ground coffee?

It is made differently than “normal American-style coffee”. If you try to make a cappuccino from coffee grounds, it...

Can you use regular ground coffee in an espresso machine?

Espresso machines create espresso coffee by forcing hot, pressurized water through coffee. As the hot water is in contact ...

Where did coffee originate?

Coffee grown all over the world can trace its heritage for centuries to the ancient coffee forests on the Ethiopian...

Where do coffee beans grow?

Globally, there are three main coffee-producing regions: Central and South America, Africa and the Middle East and...

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What coffee does mcdonald's use?

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Which coffee has the least caffeine?

The least caffeinated coffee is decaffeinated coffee, which does not contain at least 97 percent caffeine. For normal...

Where does coffee grow?

Globally, there are three main coffee-producing regions: Central and South America, Africa and the Middle East and...

What is best - ground coffee or from the bean?

If you want to brew coffee at home, it won't be long before you realize that you need to understand the difference...

What brand of coffee does Starbucks use?

Starbucks uses its branded roasted ground espresso coffee. They not only use it in their latte, but also in their...

Can you use coffee for espresso?

Espresso can be made with virtually any type of coffee bean: Sumatra, Kona, Kenya AA or a blend such as My Espresso,...

Are coffee filters compostable?

On the plus side, coffee filters biodegrade very quickly, if they are covered and in a wet compost pile, and worms seem...

Where does coffee come from?

Most of the world's coffee grows inside the Bean Belt, the area around the equator between the tropics of Capricorn and...

Is coffee grounds good for plants?

Coffee grounds contain several key minerals for plant growth: nitrogen, calcium, potassium, iron, phosphorus, magnesium...